Foot Fracture Treatment in Dallas & Frisco
Foot Fracture Diagnosis & Treatment
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Dallas & Frisco Foot Fracture Treatment

A fractured foot is a type of bone damage. A fractured foot might happen in a vehicle accident or from a simple slip or tumble. The severity of a fractured foot differs. Fractures can range from little fractures in your bones to skin-piercing breaks. The kind of treatment for a fractured foot is determined by the location and degree of the fracture. To maintain appropriate posture during healing, a badly fractured foot may require surgery to insert plates, rods, or screws into the shattered bone. The best way to ensure that you receive proper foot fracture treatment is to speak with an experienced orthopedic surgeon in Dallas.
At SPORT Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, we take pride in helping our clients go from excruciating pain to full recovery. While working with our patients from the very beginning to the very end of their foot fracture treatment, we utilize only the best techniques and technology. Rest assured that our orthopedists and Dallas physical therapist staff have only your best interests at heart. For more information about foot fracture treatment, or to schedule an appointment with us, please call our office at 469-200-2832 today.
You can also visit one of our Dallas, Plano, Wylie, or Frisco orthopedic urgent care clinics. We offer fast, affordable care at convenient locations. Rather than paying the exorbitant costs of emergency rooms or waiting for hours at a regular urgent care, you can see an orthopedic specialist quickly at our clinic. This will save you both time and money, and cut out the need for referrals.
Foot Fracture Types
The bones in your foot account for about a quarter of all the bones in your body. A broken (fractured) bone in your foot or one of your toes might be unpleasant, but it’s not always debilitating. The majority of the time, these injuries heal without the need for surgery. Stress fractures and ordinary bone fractures are two types of fractures. Below, we include more specific types of foot fractures that we see at SPORT.
Metatarsal Shaft Fractures
Metatarsal fractures are the most frequent foot fracture, excluding toe fractures. The shaft or distal part of the metatarsal is involved in around one-third of metatarsal fractures. Many of these fractures are caused by direct impacts and twisting injuries. The initial metatarsal fracture requires a lot of power in adults. As a result, first metatarsal shaft fractures are far less prevalent than other metatarsal shaft fractures.
Proximal Fifth Metatarsal Fractures
Fractures of the proximal fifth metatarsal can be difficult to diagnose. A millimeter variation in position might result in a drastically different prognosis and treatment strategy; a poor treatment regimen can result in delayed union, reinjury, and persistent impairment. The difficulty of proper diagnosis and therapy is sometimes exacerbated by the ambiguity around fracture nomenclature.
Tuberosity Avulsion Fractures
The tuberosity avulsion fracture (also known as a dancer’s fracture or pseudo-Jones fracture) is a frequent fifth metatarsal fracture (the bone on the outside edge of the foot extending to the little toe). The lateral band of the plantar aponeurosis is most likely to blame for this fracture (tendon). The majority of these fractures are treated with a walking cast or a hard-soled shoe. This is required until the discomfort subsides and the patient is able to resume normal activities. In most cases, healing takes eight weeks.
Jones Fractures
A Jones fracture is a break in the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot that occurs between the base and shaft. The fifth metatarsal is a long bone that links the smallest toe to the outside of the foot. The most severe kind of metatarsal fracture is a Jones fracture, which is the most frequent.
Toe Fractures
Toe and forefoot fractures are rather common. A direct impact to the foot, such as unintentionally kicking something hard or dropping a large object on your toes, might result in a fracture. They can also be caused by overuse and repeated stress associated with high-impact activities like jogging and basketball.
Keep in mind that sprained toes and broken toes often have similar symptoms. Speak with your foot pain doctor in order to determine the source of your pain.
Great Toe Fractures
Because the big toe is involved in weight bearing, balance, and pedal action, it requires referral far more frequently than other toe fractures. The functional capacity of a patient can be harmed by deformity, reduced range of motion, and degenerative joint disease in this toe.
Lesser Toe Fractures
Patients with fractures of the lesser toes seldom require referral; however, patients with open fractures, fracture-dislocations, displaced intra-articular fractures, and fractures that are difficult to decrease should be referred. Children with physis fractures, with the exception of nondisplaced Salter-Harris type I and type II fractures, should be referred.
Foot Fracture Symptoms
Foot pain doesn’t always mean that a fracture has occurred, but it is a possibility. To learn more about how to tell if your foot is fractured, read our related blog. After an accident or a fall, you may have a broken (also known as fractured) foot. This frequent injury needs immediate medical treatment and can be life-threatening. Because the severity of a fractured foot varies, it’s crucial to consult your doctor if you believe your foot is broken. They can devise a foot fracture treatment strategy to assist you in your recovery. Below, we list the most common symptoms of a foot fracture.
- Immediate and severe pain
- Bruising
- Tenderness
- Swelling
- Inability or difficulty walking or putting weight on the affected foot
- Deformities, like bones protruding from the skin or the foot facing the wrong direction
Can You Walk on a Fractured Foot?
Some people believe that walking on a broken foot is impossible, however this is not true. It depends on which bone is fractured (and where along its length), if it is a displaced fracture, how supportive your shoes are, and your own tolerance for discomfort whether you can walk on a broken foot. It is thus feasible to walk on a fractured foot, however, doing so is likely to be extremely painful and may even worsen the situation.
What Does a Fractured Foot Feel Like?
Because the bones of the foot are delicate and complex, symptoms may be difficult to detect. High-impact exercise should be avoided at the first indication of a stress fracture to avoid additional damage to the foot. A stress fracture can become a complete bone break if it is neglected for too long. Symptoms vary from patient to patient, as well as depending on the specifics of the fracture. Below, we include possibilities for what a foot fracture feels like.
- Tenderness: When you touch the damaged bone, it may feel uncomfortable or sore; this is known as “pinpoint pain.”
- Dull, deep pain: The discomfort might be felt all the way down to the toes or the bottom of the foot.
- Weakness: The region around the fracture may feel weak, and normal performance may suffer as a result.
- Intermittent pain: A stress fracture’s pain will usually increase during weight-bearing activities and decrease during rest.
- Sharp, localized pain: Putting weight on the foot can produce severe discomfort at the fracture site, especially if the injury has advanced.
- Swelling: Because of a metatarsal injury, the damaged foot may seem swollen. This can occur anywhere on the foot, but it is most likely to be observed on the upper half.
- Bruising: Because blood rushes towards the fracture, the region around it may seem crimson, blue, or purple in hue.
How to Tell if You Have a Stress Fracture in Your Foot?
The best way to determine whether or not you have a stress fracture is to visit your trusted orthopedic doctor. They will perform a physical examination and administer a proper diagnosis. The diagnostic procedure might involve one or more of the following tests.
- X-rays: Regular X-rays performed immediately after your discomfort begins often miss stress fractures. Stress fractures can take several weeks, and in some cases more than a month, to show up on X-rays.
- Bone scans: You’ll be given a small dosage of radioactive material through an intravenous line a few hours before your bone scan. The radioactive material is absorbed significantly by regions where bones are being rebuilt, resulting in a bright white spot on the scan picture. On a bone scan, however, many other forms of bone abnormalities seem the same, thus the test isn’t specific for stress fractures.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): An MRI creates detailed images of your bones and soft tissues using radio waves and a strong magnetic field. The best approach to detect stress fractures is via an MRI. It can detect low-grade stress injuries (stress responses) before an X-ray can reveal them. This examination can help tell the difference between stress fractures and soft tissue injuries.
Foot Fracture Treatment in Dallas and Frisco
At SPORT, we focus heavily on determining the source of your discomfort and engaging in foot fracture treatment using cutting-edge methods. We want to improve your quality of life as well as your range of motion. With tailored foot fracture treatment plans based on your specific scenario, w e provide a wide choice of alternatives to match your active lifestyle and make your rehabilitation as straightforward as possible. Whether you need physical therapy in Dallas or a surgical approach, we’ve got you covered. Call us today at 469-200-2832 to make an appointment with a Dallas or Frisco orthopedic surgeon.